Tales from the Lift Shack


This shows my inexperience with alpine bindings. I never wore a pair.

I thought maybe you could take one ski and bang it against the heel thingie. ?
well you could if the dins are set really low. Or I imagine it's doable. Most advanced skiers set their dins pretty high making it a lot harder.
well you could if the dins are set really low. Or I imagine it's doable. Most advanced skiers set their dins pretty high making it a lot harder.
Knock on my wooden head, my skis haven’t come off while skiing in years, so I got that goin for me. I don’t do many bumps or any jumps though.
funny my din is set low. want those babies off before my knees go sideways.
i can kick them off
Junior is holding out on us biggly. Last night he and some co-workers had to catch a kid whose mom couldn’t get her on the chair successfully. On his first night, back in December, the police caught a guy who had stolen like ten pairs of skis off the racks. Mountain Creek is Nucking Futs.
Yup. Place was Vernon Valley-Great Gorge for a bit. A friend I knew from college was “working” selling bonds to the place, when inflation was crazy. Bonds were paying ~17% interest each year and ya could stay and use the place if ya owned the bonds. Never went there, but got my $ back and made good interest for a short time.
Must be the water.