Tales from the Hinterlands 2022/23

I have lost count of winter resets this season. This was from yesterday, prime conditions if you could manage the deep freeze (high of -24 C, -12 F).

chair Feb 3.jpg

Today we had a fine gathering for Twigfest, including a dog from Turkey! Cold day, great people, hot tent, excellent snow, what more you ask for? The temperature moderated, though it was still too cold too take many pictures. It was only -21 C (-6 F) when I arrived at the parking spot, and a balmy -13 C (9 F) when I left. Heard an interesting explanation of the polar vortex from the head the Environment Canada climate change data monitoring group, who happened to be skiing with us, and he shared some insight while warming up around the wood stove. Basically, as the Arctic warms, the long-existing jet stream effect of the polar vortex, previously blocked by the extreme northern cold of the past, is now released to head south and bite us in the ass. Or something like that. Usually followed by a warming trend. Yahoo!

twigfest 2023 camp.jpg
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