Tales from the Hinterlands 2022/23

Ok, I finally have some skiing to talk about but it wasn't great. In fact, it was super sketchy but everyone lived and had a good time.

This was the scene when Blue Toes, Moira and I arrived arrived home on Dec. 27, you've seen the chair photo:

arrival Dec 27.jpg

Sadly, the temperature rose, then rain and wind made 2/3rds of that snow go away. The roofs are clear of snow, and the driveway is a mix of gravel and frozen mung. The dog can walk freely on the snow surface and a human on skis or slowshoes is easily supported. With this in mind, the nice folks at WWHSTA decided to carry on with the Dec. 7, "Intro to Limberlost Tour," intended to show people around our flagship BC touring zone here in the Hinterlands. Despite the poor conditions, over 25 brave souls showed up, we had telemarkers, AT skiers, splitboarders and a few brave skishoers. I did not get a lot of pics since I was helping coordinate the event and lead a group tour.

Stoke was high at the WWHSTA tent.

wwhsta gathering.jpg

One of our sponsors gave us a snazzy stove for making hot chocolate:

fancy stove.jpg

The uphill conditions were great:

going up was ok.jpg

Going down was tricky. Frozen snow, sticks. major obstacles. I led the beginner group and was surprised to learn how many folks did not know how to do a kick turn, an essential skill IMHO:

going down was tricky.jpg

People walked, skidded, sidestepped and the couple of snowboarders made a turn or two. Most people kept their skins on in both directions. Despite all that, people were stoked to see the area and appreciated what we are doing. So that is good.

Stay tuned for the TwigFest report, unless it snows before that.
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I had a great day at Sir Sam's today. Despite the kerfuffle with the Electrical Safety Authority over my waxing iron, I did make the perfect wax choice for the day. Conditions were firm and fast, blue wax was right on. Lots of hard base, no bare spots. All but one run was open, and my two favourites, Birdwatcher and Banana, were in great shape. There were a few scrapey spots here and there, which kept you on your toes. Lodge and deck vibe was great as usual.

If you are new here, you may not realize it but the main reason to go to Sir Sams, in Eagle Lake, ON, is for the rhubarb (old pic but the sign remains):


The sun was out in full force and the double chair had the speed dial turned up to 11. It would not have been a good day to be a beginner trying to load that chair, in fact I heard the lifties say to two guys, "hey, get your shit together!"


Instead of a Christmas party, our company has sponsored a "staff appreciation day" at Sir Sams for the last two years. Way better, IMHO. Free skiing, beer and food. Nice. My colleague Nate shows the way:


For what it lacks in vert, Sir Sams makes it up with the view:

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