Sweet Cars and Trucks

Running next week. 22 GT500 Super Snake w/1400 miles. Mystic Purple. What a whip!
I was going to say 150.
Wild a$$ guess from someone not in the car biz. $162 - $165k.
I do this for a living and all I'd have is a guess. The high end sports car market is not my gig. The guy who owns it is a buddy of mine and he's told me what he expects to get, so I can't play along.
I do this for a living and all I'd have is a guess. The high end sports car market is not my gig. The guy who owns it is a buddy of mine and he's told me what he expects to get, so I can't play along.
@Campgottagopee do cars like this get driven or are they mainly museum pieces?
@Campgottagopee do cars like this get driven or are they mainly museum pieces?
From the conversations I've had with my buddy, the owners of these kinds of cars are super wealthy and simply enjoy looking at them. He doesn't go looking for these rather the cars find him. He specializes in high end cars and will literally spend months and months negotiating with owners. The biggest reason I hear from him as to why they sell them is the owners need room, or simply want to buy another car to look at. They'll drive them very little to get their fix, but that's it. The value in these kinds of cars are condition and mileage. Two weeks ago he sold a 2012 Corvette with only 2000 miles. The car was absolutely new! I was shocked at what it brought. He had a big smile on his face when the hammer came down and he was walking off the block. That's the cool thing about auctions, something is worth what people are willing to pay.