Sweet Cars and Trucks

There’s an anchor but there ain’t no prop visible.
Maybe just spin the wheels fast in the water when she’s a floatin to go.
I“m sorry to correct you but there is an outboard. You can see it hanging down at the rear
It may have a blade broken off but I for sure see a prop


It must be summer… cause I really want to win this one.
Ah the blowout patch on the ass end of that Redneck Cruise Ship is particularly impressive
Guy in my new town (Boonton, the Brooklyn of Morris County NJ) has a shiny white truck with something like a 36" lift kit. What he'll use that for, I have no idea. Really over the top.
Guy in my new town (Boonton, the Brooklyn of Morris County NJ) has a shiny white truck with something like a 36" lift kit. What he'll use that for, I have no idea.
So he doesn't have to bend over when he puts on the "Git-r-done" bumper sticker.