Sweet Cars and Trucks

Pricing? It's an auction. Auctions are proof that something is only worth what someone is willing to pay.
My folks went to an auction together and Dad’s brother-in-law told him he was bidding against my Mom.
They were the only 2 bidding at the time. I think it was for a big copper kettle.
We bought it.
Heard that story again recently.
Pricing? It's an auction. Auctions are proof that something is only worth what someone is willing to pay.

Here's the rub. All original and mint condition are relative. It's rare you find 2 people that will agree on what those mean.
I get what and agree with what you're saying. I just think Jackson Barrett gets prices that no one else gets. Granted, they get the best of the best and two cars could be identical but because "so and so" did the restoration that one is somehow worth a lot more than the other. I think people buying there are a different crowd. There's people who don't look anywhere else and just want a "Jackson Barrett car. Or want to be seen on TV or whatever. I don't think real investors buy there. People buying "toys" where price is of no issue buy there.
You nailed it with that one!
My aunt in western Pennsylvania was an auctionologist. She new all the auctioneers and would study the local papers so when her sisters came to town they knew where to go on Saturday. Sh’e'd also have a barn-sized yard sale every year that was just a big party even if folks didn’t buy a thing.
My aunt in western Pennsylvania was an auctionologist. She new all the auctioneers and would study the local papers so when her sisters came to town they knew where to go on Saturday. Sh’e'd also have a barn-sized yard sale every year that was just a big party even if folks didn’t buy a thing.
Leroy VanDyke, my buddy's Uncle. He's still kickin and performing.
