Summer Weather 2021

It’s amazing how the internet has made people “experts”, when they have surface level understanding of Milankovich Cycles, Ocean currents, etc. but a strong belief in muddying the waters with ridiculous misinformation.
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If yer gonna quote me at least please don’t insert yer own words.
Play nice.
As Yogi Berra said, “I’ve never said most of the things I’ve said."
I was driving to work this morning in the rain. It is getting rather annoying!!
That line just grazed us fortunately. Just a bit down River things were interesting with the usual tree damage and power outages as of this am 5k still out in and around Potsdam
Hudson Valley NY weather forecast
"It’s beautiful out tonight… and that moon is BRIGHT! Temps falling into the 60s this evening. It’s not crisp just yet… but the humidity is gone. Have a great night!""
From Facebook
Every year, around this time, I like to watch a ski movie. Warren Miller's Wintervention is my favorite. I last had snow on May 1st. I like that the light is changing. I love the coziness of fall and bundling up. Some of my coworkers think I'm nutz. You will understand.