Summer Weather 2021

Happy humping day just cold enough t o snow

hahahaha Scotty!^^^^

Turns out my Open Snow subscription give me access to smoke conditions and forecast:

Screen Shot 2021-08-25 at 12.24.13 PM.png

Amazing how those loose patches like over NY/NJ and VT/NH hang on.

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Worst day every recorded in Reno.
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Woods Valley drone footage of recent tornado damage.
The area got drenched a couple more times recently.
So much that it flooded the nearby state fish hatchery.
Don’t think the brown trout can make it upstream to cooler water as Delta reservoir dam blocks em.
When does fire season "normally" end?
I meant out West. When does the smoke season end.
Does anyone really want to see news people standing in a hurricane? IMO adds nothing.

And how many times per minute are you allowed to use the phrase "hunkering down?"
Does anyone really want to see news people standing in a hurricane? IMO adds nothing.

And how many times per minute are you allowed to use the phrase "hunkering down?"
Agree i think it is patently ridiculous to risk life and limb to report on a major storm . It seems common sense is always trumped by nonsense.
I don't think they are risking anything (much), and I don't think reporting anything of value.

They are usually standing next to some brick building. And what are they telling me? It's raining and windy.

And officials recommend you hunker down.