Snow Ridge Conditions


Jul 18, 2020
Snow Ridge early season snow
Awesome day for u guys I jealous and fater lol
Maybe 175 lbs I blame Scott y eats my favorite snacks all times to
Cool shirt!
So 12" Wednesday and 16" in the last 24 hrs with a few more inches in between and the Ridge is buried in snow, and it is nice powder not the wet clumpy stuff that rattles your bones after it gets pushed around. With cold temps and an overcast sky the deep chop was still fun to ski when I left at 3:30. If they run the T-bar tomorrow the skiing should be great over there. It is supposed to be cold and windy though. On Wednesday they were skinning the Snow Pocket area but when I left today I did not see any tracks on those trails. There is a lot of snow in the woods. I took several runs through Silver Glades, top and bottom sections, and the conditions were fantastic. There was about 2 1/2 to 3 feet of snow on the woods trails where I checked. One thing, standing in the lift line at 10AM waiting for the lift to start spinning, not one person around me was wearing a mask, bandana or face covering. Then someone nearby sneezed.
not one person around me was wearing a mask, bandana or face covering.

Hmm, everyone was masked up in line Wednesday. Herd mentally? I almost never actually ski with a mask on regardless of the temperature. I wore one when cold pre Covid. I have no "fur" on my head, so a balaclava helps keep my head warm under my helmet, and I pull it up over my nose on cold days on the chair. My new routine is to pull my goggles up onto my helmet and pull my balaclava up over my nose just before reaching the chair. Once on the chair I put my goggles back on and pull my balaclava back down, unless cold and windy enough to want it over my face, or leave it up when riding with someone else I didn't come with. The lifties at Greek have been pretty good at reminding me if I forget.

Not very upset about not sharing a double with anyone as I require ¾ of the chair. Not much fun riding up with my fat buddies who also could use ¾ of the chair too. I don't let them put the bar down, that's all we need is to be squeezed together even more. I don't think it's unsafe, other than the chair breaking from the stress, there would probably be a popping sound like a champagne cork if we were to fall out of the chair.