Shop Talk


Well-known member
Aug 6, 2020
Good shops, thoughts on services, prices.....let’s talk shop!

My topic for today....binding mounts. In my particular case, mounting Shifts.

As covered in other discussions, I got some new skis (Ripstick 96 Black) on which I need to put a pair of Atomic Shift 13. Yes, btw....I did find a deal on the Shifts, $500 delivered. Better than the $600 SkiEssentials wanted. So long as the mounting is less than $100 I come out ahead, notwithstanding the inconvenience of having it done.

So about that mount. Just got off the phone with Potter Brothers in Kingston. They want $89.95 to do a mount! :oops: I though Ski Haus in Brewster was pricey at $75. One more reason Potter Bothers sucks. I don’t recommend them.

That leaves me considering doing my own mount (I hear it’s not rocket science)....or waiting and bringing them up to Placid next trip and having High Peaks do it for $55.

If anyone has sage advice on doing your own mounts feel free to share!
Measure twice, drill once?
Measure twice, drill once?
Sage advice for anything that involves drilling or cutting....but I was hoping for something a little less obvious! ;)

Seeing as I’m also gonna swap my Radicals for Shifts on another pair of skis it’s time I learned to do my own mounts. At least I can practice on the old skis.
I can build anything but I let the shops do it..why? well i really don't want a ski to come off in an inopportune can mess you up.
I can build anything but I let the shops do it..why? well i really don't want a ski to come off in an inopportune can mess you up.
I generally feel (or have felt) the same way. Of course, shops get it wrong sometimes because not everyone doing your work is a seasoned pro. The right shop for the right price I’d still go....but $90 at a place like Potter Bros (not exactly the best shop), it might be time to for me to learn, and if you can trust the peeps at TGR it’s not something to be scared of.


I’ll educate myself, and if I give it a go on the old boards I’ll report back on how it works out.

If I can mount them up tomorrow I can ski them at Platty on Sunday. Hmmm....tempting.
Who do you think is going to do it for you for 50 bucks? Some Stoner skier that works in the basement of a shop. Do it yourself if you f*** it up you'll know way before you ski on it. I don't see screwing it up it's pretty hard to screw up. It's just a little scary at first.