Season Passes

Purchased a 22/23 Ski3 season pass for this (past) weekend. Still have my 21/22 Platty and Ikon (Base) passes in use. Most season passes I’ve had active at one time!
Purchased a 22/23 Ski3 season pass for this (past) weekend. Still have my 21/22 Platty and Ikon (Base) passes in use. Most season passes I’ve had active at one time!
Not trying to creat a stir.
Just curious
Did you at least break even?
Did you at least break even?
I was going to comment on the related discussion on one of the Plattekill threads. Ikon yes, Plattekill no. The Ski3 pass I’m well on my way to yes (next year) with three days in already.

If there’s one pass I don’t mind losing money on it’s the Plattekill pass, a donation of sorts to support the smaller mountain and the vibe. That said, I don’t think I’ll do a pass there next year.
When there is a lot of driving involved, it can be hard to break even on a 1-location season pass if the situation gets complicated or Mother Nature doesn't cooperate. I had an early season injury that meant far fewer days skiing at Massanutten in January than expected. I rested and healed up enough to get in a full week of skiing at Taos a few weeks later, which was obviously important for getting good value out of the Ikon Base and MCP combo I opted to get for this season.

Even the Indy Pass can be tricky to get good value if want to ski more than 4-5 days at 2-3 locations when you don't live within a couple hours of ski areas.

Planning ahead to make Ikon worthwhile is usually much easier. Two trips to two that include 5-7 days of skiing at at least two different resorts works out well. Even when a resort has a senior rate for day tickets.
Multi-mountains season pass.
A buddy pass.
$25 voucher @ Heuga’s.

Before April 8th.
I was going to comment on the related discussion on one of the Plattekill threads. Ikon yes, Plattekill no. The Ski3 pass I’m well on my way to yes (next year) with three days in already.

If there’s one pass I don’t mind losing money on it’s the Plattekill pass, a donation of sorts to support the smaller mountain and the vibe. That said, I don’t think I’ll do a pass there next year.
I am in a similar spot. Just bought Ski3. Have Ikon Base Pass (rolled over from last year), Catamount/BE (rolled over from last year), and a Sugarbush employee dependent pass. Skied mostly at Sugarbush this season because Mr. Snowflake decided to teach up there. I only used my catamount pass one time this year because they hardly got any snow and it rained so much there we always went north. Oh well I don’t mind supporting them. I won’t buy that pass again though. I think I averaged out to $35 a day to ski this year. Hope the season isn’t over yet!