Protect The Adirondacks

Why do you care what I think? Are you a resident of the park? And what does it matter what anyone thinks, as the greenie groups will fight any decison that they don't like. They don't want to PROTECT! the Adirondacks, they want to have it for themselves...Same old shit:poop:
So the DEC hires a Portland Oregonian firm, Otak, to solicit feedback and write up a summary report...
Once again the APA is in the do as I say not as I do business...:unsure:
Scotty Jack has honed his skills and is the master of "The Spin":rolleyes:
I don’t have any opinion about the move, but IME employees always complain when their office moves, then once they figure out the new parking they don’t want to move back. That survey is the least surprising thing I’ve seen in years.

I don’t have any opinion about the move, but IME employees always complain when their office moves, then once they figure out the new parking they don’t want to move back. That survey is the least surprising thing I’ve seen in years.

To me, the most pressing issue in this scenario is the lack of housing and the lack of Hamlet zoning to use for housing, and this is a non-sensical waste of a those precious assets. But hey does the APA care what we or their employees and most telling from former employees, probably not.
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