ORDA Board Meetings

Another head shaker quote from the article:

“She pointed to commodity prices factoring in the losses. “Despite all of the efficiencies the Olympic Authority has undertaken to reduce its consumption of electricity and fuel, the cost of utilities and fuel rose by over $1.5 million between 2023 and 2024. This is attributable to outside economic factors that are unrelated to how well the Olympic Authority is managing its operations,” Norfolk said. ”

They're operating at a loss of $47.3 million. Then they say this....

ORDA board members, who approved the report on Wednesday, cast the results in a favorable light. It’s “amazing how well we are doing,” said member Betty Little.
WTH is that BS from Orda ,looks like Board is asleep at the wheel and has little concept of their responsibilities as Fiduciaries . Better think about New Leadership in Governance