NY State Thruway Traffic

Few solutions, I was in Dallas a few weeks ago. Speed limit is 75 , traffic wasn't bad . You need to be on your toes and the driving was sporty.
Also on the thruway between the TZ and exit 14 there is a significant hill. There needs to be a strongly worded sign telling people to MOVE THEIR ASS.
And I can't tell you how many people are txting and driving. That needs to be enforced with a mandatory 500$ fine..
I think I do remember that. Even a normal old fashioned metro north train up that route would probably help. It would be great for Rockland and Orange counties to have a one seat ride into the city. I doubt we’ll see it in our lifetimes though.
I think I do remember that. Even a normal old fashioned metro north train up that route would probably help. It would be great for Rockland and Orange counties to have a one seat ride into the city. I doubt we’ll see it in our lifetimes though.
that was the original plan.. a station somewhere near nanuet ,tracks over tz to link up with the hudson line.
that was the original plan.. a station somewhere near nanuet ,tracks over tz to link up with the hudson line.
When the new TZB was built, some people wanted too include the possibility of a RR line. That didn't happen. I don't think the first TZB included any structure for RR either.
I used to ride AMTRAK past the TZB with a bunch of environmental lawyers. They said that bridge was replaced without all the usual review process because engineers were afraid it was gonna fall down while it was still in use. I think they were pissed that they didn't get to bill for all the environmental impact review.

The 2nd bridge was originally designed with a rail
The 2nd bridge was originally designed with a rail
That was proposed, but it never got any traction. I'm sure it never got as far as design. That bridge was replaced so fast that there was hardly any discussion of alternatives. People were really afraid the old was gonna fall done before it could be replaced.

You’re both right. They said the new bridge is big enough to add rail later on. As long as it’s able to take the weight, they could put tracks where the useless bus lanes are currently.

I was struck by how fast the project moved forward after nothing happening for so long. I think the fear that the old bridge would fail was very real. It was built on top of untreated utility pole sized pilings that were driven into the river bed. They knew they were deteriorating and that there was some kind of aquatic worm down there eating the wood but couldn’t inspect what was below the mud. I still wonder if maybe one of their inspections turned up something alarming and that’s what caused them to suddenly move on the replacement after dithering so long. The road bed was constantly being patched too.
There's no possibility of adding rail to the new TZB, and untreated wood foundations were not a thing when the old bridge was built.
I'm gonna tap out. This thread is looking like an example of false information spreading faster than the truth.
