NY State Thruway Traffic

That's an issue. The right lane is often a huge banger (if its not brand new) because of the trucks keeping right. So everyone naturally gravitates to the left lane.
It's a beautiful road, once you get out of Westchester County. But it was conceived when highway speeds were lower. More than a few times, I've been stuck behind someone going 50 in a large SUV in the left lane because they're scared of the guard rail. And they won't keep right.
You can pretty much use Route 84 as the dividing line for the Taconic. Its like two completely different highways.
Last night, it was a parking lot southbound between Newburgh and the NJ state line but I assumed it was due to lots of people returning from a quasi holiday weekend.
Thats been my experience as of recent, I'll admit I forgot its was a long weekend for some as I headed up towards Wallkill this past Sunday which is what prompted me creating this thread. That said north bound grid lock at exit 15 on a Sunday is odd, leaf peepers? Indigenous Peoples Day celebrations up north :LOL: ? or with the Catskills becoming the new Hamptons is the Thruway just doomed to become the Long Island Expressway (my worst fear). I work up and into the Hudson Valley frequently enough to also get a sense for weekday traffic which has been notably heavier with truck traffic. Theres no doubt there are a few quickly growing bedroom communities in Orange County but that in itself does not account for the increase in congestion. My hope is that things clear up a bit once the fall shenanigans slow down but who knows. I've read post pandemic travel spending is trending down, could it be that people have exhausted there travel budgets but can still work in a short weekend trip upstate? I really was not here to speculate and am glad I am not the only one whose noticed the somewhat recent increase.
I've read post pandemic travel spending is trending down, could it be that people have exhausted there travel budgets but can still work in a short weekend trip upstate? I really was not here to speculate and am glad I am not the only one whose noticed the somewhat recent increase.
There are still people who don't want to get on an airplane so they are driving more for leisure travel. I would guess that's more the case in regions that were hit hard by the pandemic.

Planes have been quite full lately. Combination of continued pent up demand and changes in flight schedules. Another reason that some people are driving more than they used to. I've driven to Chicago a few times in 2023 to visit close relatives with littles ones. Since I'm retired, not worth dealing with airports and full planes. For that matter, I'm likely to take US highways part of the way instead of Interstate highways at times to avoid the traffic midweek.
I have used the Taconic for summer weekends for at least 15 years. It has always proven to be a better option for me. Only time it ever gets backed up is due to accidents which are pretty rare on the section North of 84 to the Mass Turnpike connector.
Coming back back from the ADK last week my wife and I were reminiscing about our courtin' days driving on the taconic from Westchester to Kingston in the GTI cranking cassettes of Chicago and the Smithereens!
The NYS Thruway needs expand (at a minimum) to 3 lanes between Exit 16/Harriman and Exit 17/I-84/Newburgh. The increase to 3 lanes would also help make Stewart Airport as a more viable part of the crowded NY metro area airport system. Rockland and Orange have had large increases in population over the last few decades. Unfortunately, the NYS Thruway finances are a complete mess due to paying for the new Tappan Zee Bridge.

I do not see the NYS Thruway adding a lane anywhere in between the Tappan Zee and Albany anytime soon.