NY State Thruway Traffic

Low Angle Life

Well-known member
Feb 20, 2021
Question for Hudson Valley residents, down-staters, city types, New Jerseyans and why the hell not, Long Islanders. Anyone else noticing weekend traffic on the NY-State Thruway has gotten significantly worse in the past two or so years? Sure I may be part of the problem but regardless I've been experiencing significant traffic issues from Suffern straight through New Paltz early mornings and late afternoons essentially any weekend I've gone upstate in the past 8 months or so. This is less about speculation as to why (though I'm sure we can have some fun with that) more so just curious if that trek is feeling way more congested to others as well?
I think it has gotten more crowded on the Thruway, especially southbound on Sundays. I assumed it was a renewed embrace of the outdoors, post-Covid.
Don't fit in any of your categories . . . but I've been doing a fair amount of long distance driving in the last decade. Not only in the northeast but also from NC to Chicago, plus a couple trips so far from NC to Colorado in December. Fair to say that traffic is worse post-pandemic on pretty much any major highway. That includes all the Interstate highways in central NC and VA.

I've been driving from NC to Lake Placid in August since the early 1980s. But have been avoiding the NY Thruway for years. The amount of traffic on I-88 north of Binghamton has increased quite a bit in recent years.
I have used the Taconic for summer weekends for at least 15 years. It has always proven to be a better option for me. Only time it ever gets backed up is due to accidents which are pretty rare on the section North of 84 to the Mass Turnpike connector.
I have used the Taconic for summer weekends for at least 15 years. It has always proven to be a better option for me. Only time it ever gets backed up is due to accidents which are pretty rare on the section North of 84 to the Mass Turnpike connector.
Love the Taconic, but it adds at least 45 mins for me, without traffic.
Traffic has definitely gotten worse on the Thruway. Crossing traffic in both directions at the state line is part of the problem. I'm thankful that I no longer have to drive in the weekend rush.
Question for Hudson Valley residents, down-staters, city types, New Jerseyans and why the hell not, Long Islanders. Anyone else noticing weekend traffic on the NY-State Thruway has gotten significantly worse in the past two or so years? Sure I may be part of the problem but regardless I've been experiencing significant traffic issues from Suffern straight through New Paltz early mornings and late afternoons essentially any weekend I've gone upstate in the past 8 months or so. This is less about speculation as to why (though I'm sure we can have some fun with that) more so just curious if that trek is feeling way more congested to others as well?
you are so correct.. Traffic from the bridge to 287 is now bad all of the time.. Going east bound toward the bridge is exceptionally bad...
Lots of trucks...main cause is the GW bridge tolls for a 18 wheeler is over 100$...
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Love the Taconic, but it adds at least 45 mins for me, without traffic.
It's a beautiful road, once you get out of Westchester County. But it was conceived when highway speeds were lower. More than a few times, I've been stuck behind someone going 50 in a large SUV in the left lane because they're scared of the guard rail. And they won't keep right.
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Taconic is pretty good as far as everyone keeping right. The section narrow sections around Fahnestock are a little of an exception. I'm always more nervous about the rock retaining wall on the right of the northbound side. I'm actually OK with 50 there. The Thruway is still way worse for slow on the left lane, but not as bad as it was in the 1970s. Back then the right lane was so rough and noisy that trucks ALWAYS used the left lane.
