NY Snowmobile Conditions

Once again the people who don't live in the Adirondacks are calling the shots. To me it's beyond stupid. The people who make the decisions must have all the money they need and don't give 2 shits about those who don't. This trail would've generated much needed income for towns withing the Dacks. I know there are those still fighting to get this through but it will be a long battle.

Once again the people who don't live in the Adirondacks are calling the shots. To me it's beyond stupid. The people who make the decisions must have all the money they need and don't give 2 shits about those who don't. This trail would've generated much needed income for towns withing the Dacks. I know there are those still fighting to get this through but it will be a long battle.

Peter Bauer and his gang of the no fun allowed are sooo happy of the defeat of these trails that would have done a great deal to keep our small, remote Adirondack towns (North Hudson, Minerva, Newcomb) lively with business during the winter months. And, very ironic that the Environmental groups that supported this law suit, are the same groups that agreed to these trails when the Finch deal was completed between The Nature Conservancy and NYS.
Peter Bauer and his gang of the no fun allowed are sooo happy of the defeat of these trails that would have done a great deal to keep our small, remote Adirondack towns (North Hudson, Minerva, Newcomb) lively with business during the winter months. And, very ironic that the Environmental groups that supported this law suit, are the same groups that agreed to these trails when the Finch deal was completed between The Nature Conservancy and NYS.
Ironic for sure. Must be none of "those in charge" own a business that would benefit from this trail, if so it would've gone through. Yeah, Pete must have his chest puffed right up. All this trail would be us a win.

It's about the definition of "timber" that these obstruction groups are using. There wouldn't be a "tree" cut over 3 to 4" in the making of this trail, yet the obstruction groups are claiming these trees are "timber".

My BIL builds timber frame homes, not even the trim is cut out of 4" "timber". It's a political joke, and the only owns who this will hurt are those that live in the Park.

"Bauer said he would like if the DEC could sit down with Protect the Adirondacks and other stakeholders to decide on a definition for these terms. He said he would prefer this to further defining them through court cases.

Bauer believes other types of trails — for hiking or mountain biking, for instance — should not have a problem with this new definition because they should not involve cutting timber to this extent."

Bauer talks out of both sides of his mouth
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