NFL 2021-22 Season

I sure hope you've been successful and happy in other aspects of your life you poor bastard. You've no doubt heard the Lions' motto, "Rebuilding since 1957.
Already my favorite commercial.




I need a fort like that.
Classic Stafford. Starts hot, gets in the weeds, has some bad luck, forces a few passes that wind up as ints, orchestrates winning drive in final minutes.

He did it all the time while playing in the wasteland.
Like many people, I was rooting for the underdog Bengals; however, the game shouldn't have been that close. Can't believe the refs missed that facemasking call on Cincinnati's first TD.
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They did make up for that ^^ with a BS call at the end.

I watched some of that game, they only game I've watched all year. I thought the turning point was when Cincy didn't turn that INT into a score.
Granted my expectations were low to begin with ,but i rate the entire SB extravaganza yesterday : underwhelming .Hell even the commercials were for the most part boring . WTF Was that bouncing logo bs ? Really ?

The actual game was fine , finally something actually happened .

Admittedly as a rocker i am biased and have no desire to hear any rap .(well maybe Walk dis way with Run DMC and Aerosmith ) so I have zero ability to see it as music at all. it was atonal, unintelligible , and frankly 50 cent looked more like a buck and half
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