Market Philosophy

Anyone do anything dumb yet? 🤠

I started “taking profits” (moving a bunch of money to cash) in December. Most of that money was taken out of US Large/Medium/Small caps. That left me with a higher percentage of Foreign funds than I usually run (up around 40% of the portfolio, now). Those have been doing a lot better than my American funds lately, so I guess it was a good move?

I’m mostly just tinkering around the edges, though. I’m 44 now, so I know I still have plenty of time. I have about 70/25/5 stock/cash/bond split. I’ll dump all the cash back in when the market goes down about 20% or so (it might not happen in the next few weeks, but it will happen eventually).

No real complaints. Just riding the waves. I trust the Fed to do the right things, even if the executive branch is wildly erratic.