If you have many dollars and a dream, you can own a piece of Platty

Can you see that IG pic? I am getting a login message. Usually it embeds the shot?

Also wondering about the ROW. As I recall, below it there is something that "looks" like a road in winter.
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Can you see that IG pic? I am getting a login message

Also wondering about the ROW. As I recall, below it there is something that "looks" like a road in winter.
Yes. I have an IG account, just so I can see pics when I want or need to.

Also curious about how Laszlo feels about this.
That's pretty wacky. That thing is even scarier in person than in the photos. I also think it may need a lot more work than indicated in that listing.
I'd be shocked if it didn't need significant structural/framing work. I can't believe whoever is trying to sell it wasn't able to come up with one appealing pic!
I'd be shocked if it didn't need significant structural/framing work. I can't believe whoever is trying to sell it wasn't able to come up with one appealing pic!

Agreed about the structural work. That things been rotting for 30 years. I also don't know if you'd be able to just build any type of septic.
i agree that it looks sketchy AF- would need a full rebuild obviously. And I’m sure it would become a giant PITA for Laszlo if somebody were to try to do something with it.
On the other hand, if somebody gave it to me for free and I pulled together the money to fix it up, the end result would be cool as hell.