How Much Ground Clearance Do You Need?

99.9% of people don’t give a crap if a person is gay, straight, brown, yellow or trans.
No, that's false. Homophobia, racism and transphobia are common in the US - we know this both from social scientists and from the lived experiences of gay people, people of color, and of transgender people.
I was born ugly with a small penis, should I get special treatment? I think not.
So you think people not making fun of you for the way you were born is "special treatment"? I think it's basic human decency.
I was in an all day biz conference yesterday and I missed all this until now.

Personally I like the ground clearance discussion, but I have no idea how to break this out. If Camp is ok with it, I'll start with this post and make him the owner and move it to the OT, figure out some kind of name for it and lock it.

I never thought twice about the word in discussion, and when it's used in the context of car/trucks I never think (thought until now) of other meanings.

I also didn't know it was offensive. Websters doesn't mention that it is offense, but Wiki does. Websters doesn't even acknowledge the vehicle slang meaning.

Generally one thing I've tried to do in life is determine the intent. If someone has hate in their heart, you can tell. Ethan was clearly not slagging on anyone so I don't find it offensive.

People are sensitive about all kinds of things, it's part of human nature. It doesn't make them bad or good, just human. In the forum, the most common reason people quit is they don't feel welcome or accepted.

ETA: If someone TELLS me they are offended by something, I will do my very best to stop using it. When I was in high school a million years ago we'd say something was gay and it was kind of a rag. I've never had any hate for gay people, but I stopped using it that way twenty years ago. It might be different for the T word. In my experience gay people are ok with being referred to as gay.
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A few years ago someone pointed to me that "Oriental" was offensive. I stopped using it except for when I am referring to the rugs in my house. In that context I guess it is OK.
It really comes down to context and intent. No one using the "T" word in context to a vehicle had anything on their mind other than a shorter term for transmission.
This thread is getting very AZ like. Maybe we should move it over there.
If you are dismayed, let it go, stick to ground clearance.
Really disappointing to see fellow forum members slagging off on a brand new forum member. If you don't understand why the issue is important to the poster, then just drop it, disregard, and move on. No need to pile on.

Back to digging up this old topic...

I will eat crow on this post. There definitely is a ground clearance level that is too low for hassle free parking and storm chasing. My 2017 Honda Civic Hatch is quoted at 5.2" (suspect), and that drops a bit lower with a driver and their gear. It is just a bit too low.

I've beached the thing twice trying to park in unplowed snow (nothing too deep, but obviously deeper than the ground clearance). That is a concern when you are looking to earn turns and are parking in places not plowed as well as a parking lot.

During a particularly manky storm with bad plowing, I was getting tossed around due to not enough clearance and opted to bail on the drive (that was a first). I've been chasing storms in sedans, coupes, and wagons for over 20 years and never had any issues snow tires couldn't handle, before that instance.

On the flip side, my VW TDI wagen was listed at 5.4" and that thing was an absolute tank in the snow (FWD). So perhaps there are other issues besides the ground clearance at play. Likely, manufacturers are not consistent on their measurement methods (I really doubt my Civic is actually 5.2" off the ground). +7" might be the sweet spot for not too high but not too low.

Much as I love the overall lifetime 37.3 MPG of my Civic, I'm looking for something new this summer. There are a lot of lifted hatches and crossovers with AWD and good MPG now. That wasn't the case a few years ago when good MPG and AWD were mutually exclusive. Then again, there are also a ton of options with highway MPG topping out at only 28-30, which is still terrible.
Someone new comes in here and says I'm offended by the word tranny in a ground clearance discussion? Said person needs to, like I suggested, have just a wee bit more thicker skin here or should move on to another site imo. Good grief.
It's wild that six people have jumped up to push back against my simply *asking.* I would have thought that if someone didn't care they'd just move on. And it's really ironic that yall that seem so triggered by my asking are suggesting *I'm* the one who is butthurt or thin skinned. That's funny. If a request like that annoyed me or bothered me I'd do some self-reflection. YMMV.

No, I'm not transgender myself (and am not MC2). But I know transgender people (you may also, even if you don't realize it) and they face a lot. Language matters. So I care. I wish more people cared.

A couple years ago I smoked a big fat joint with a tranny while in P Town on vacation.. His name was Bob Stacey but all his friends called him Stacey. He was a great guy and had killer weed. My wife and I quickly became friends with Stacey as he was our neighbor at the place we were renting, right on the ocean too. Anyway, I asked Stacey how I should address someone in drag as I had zero clue. He told me the polite way was to address them as Miss, and if you thought they were beautiful to call them Mary. To this day my wife and I call each other Mary, and people get a real kick out of hearing the story as to why we do. Anyway, my point is I know for a fact Stacey would not be offended by the word tranny used in the context it has been in this thread. Please relax and enjoy this place as there are many wicked smart people here, with quick wit, and thick skin.