Holiday Mountain Conditions

I think they mainly want to open the existing trails under the double. Getting that pod back into the mix, rehabbing the learning area and connecting it all together seems to be phase one. I know Mike is gonna have a pro lay out his new trails with insurance coverage and risk mitigation in mind but they’re moving pretty fast so who knows? Maybe. They posted pics of an old groomer getting trailered in from one of the defunct Catskills resorts on IG today. Yesterday it was a big old generator. Who knows what tomorrow may bring.
Good idea. Let’s make it a lager though. Funny thing is one of the people in the crowd suggested opening a microbrewery there. I think that was added to the list for phase seven.
Lager would be Phase 10, hard to make a good one. Theres a reason all these breweries can do some fine IPA's
Mike Taylor