Greek Peak Conditions

I am so sorry, Joneski73. Not a good way to end the season. Let's hope for a speedy recovery. Other than the dislocation (which is bad enough), was there any other damage to ligaments or muscles? I see you'll be shopping for some new ski pants, as well. Unfortunately, the pants won't heal.
Not sure if there is any damage. I’ll call for an appointment with an orthopedic dr tomorrow. Most likely will need an MRI to find out. Right now it’s just sore, stiff, and swollen.
Joneski, heal well.
Do yer therapy and next season will be here in 8 months.
Ya got time to get ready for it.
Gotta keep moving.
Sorry to hear of your injury, that sucks. That deck is almost as hazardous as the parking lot. The powder coated metal decking is pretty slick in ski boots when dry. I walked up the stairs that start at the Taverna door on Sunday, no snow had been cleared from the deck at 11 o'clock.

I wish you well in your recovery. I hope there are no lasting effects, but I doubt it from my experience with knee injuries. Tell them you want a lifetime pass or they'll be seeing this weasel. Good luck.
Sorry to hear of your injury, that sucks. That deck is almost as hazardous as the parking lot. The powder coated metal decking is pretty slick in ski boots when dry. I walked up the stairs that start at the Taverna door on Sunday, no snow had been cleared from the deck at 11 o'clock.

I wish you well in your recovery. I hope there are no lasting effects, but I doubt it from my experience with knee injuries. Tell them you want a lifetime pass or they'll be seeing this weasel. Good luck.
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Thanks cornhead. I should have known better going down the slush covered ramp and took the narrow path that was cleared down the steps. Hind sight is always 20/20.
ouch, heal up soon joneski. we were leaving our hill Sunday and commenting that navigating the path from the slopes to the parking lot was the most dangerous part of the day...
ouch, heal up soon joneski. we were leaving our hill Sunday and commenting that navigating the path from the slopes to the parking lot was the most dangerous part of the day...
I’ve been skiing to the car as much as I can.
A bit longer hike at first but makes up for it later when ya get tired.