Greek Peak Conditions

The shortees are going to get
Ya shouldn’t have to sand any burs off yer bottoms.
Looks like the grit might be a bit too coarse though.
Heading back there today. Temps were in the teens overnight, so there should be much better conditions. If only the rain would just stay away.
Much better today. While the snow was hard everywhere, and chunky in spots, cover was much better. Olympian's snowmakers were off, it was groomed hard and fast, and is ready for the race program. Olympian had the best conditions on the hill. Skier's left of Elysian Fields has about 2 feet groomed frozen granular that softened up a bit in the afternoon.Skier's right is still bare. Karyatis was actually nice for the beginners who stayed away from the snowmakers. There were plenty of face plants for those who didn't. Stoic and lower Pollex were groomed to chunky monkey rough. The East Meadow cross over is OK, but still needs more snow. As I left at 4:30, temperatures were below freezing again and the guns were going on Trojan, Alpha and other trails. I'd expect/hope Chair 4 to be running for this weekend. I didn't see any snowmaking activity on any of the upper trails served by Chair 2 (not a surprise at all). No idea what is going on off Chair 5. Things are looking up.
Still better today. No additional trails open, but cover is better and softer. Today was like skiing out west: extremely low humidity, blue skies, temperatures hovering between 30 and 35 all afternoon, but no wind. Despite the temp, snowmaking continues on closed trails: Iliad, Trojan, the Boardwalk beginner area, and trails served by Chair 5 and on connector trails to and from. There are more snow-guns being deployed at once than I've ever seen. Its a shame temps aren't 10 degrees colder, making snow near freezing has got to be pretty inefficient.
This morning it's snowing but no Greek for me. You will find me at the local Auburn Wegmans shopping for Christmas :mad:!

FYI, tomorrow is $10.00 day. They ought to have a great day. As for me I may stay far, far away. Too many people with bindings and skis that haven't been checked for 20 years, skiing like mad crazy people who can't remember how to stop! My advice to everyone bringing a new skier, and anyone whose restarting after many years off is this: Please, Please, Please:
1. Get them to rent the nice modern short shaped skis and warm comfy boots. They will ski better, be comfier and safer.
2. Make sure they have they wear non-cotton, preferably synthetic, thinner socks and have nothing else inside the boots.
3. Talk them into a LESSON! This will retain your sanity and gives you an hour and a half to actually ski.
They will have more fun. They are more likely to want to go again and are less likely to end up taking a ride on the Ski Patrol sled.

Otherwise, "$10 day" is a fun day for the rest of us to watch idiots crash and burn on old equipment dressed in an assortment of "athletic-wear".
Its a shame temps aren't 10 degrees colder, making snow near freezing has got to be pretty inefficient.
Greek uses Snowmax, and has done so since the 80's when I used to make snow there. It's a natural bacteria that actually raises the freezing point therefore producing snow at marginal temps.

Otherwise, "$10 day" is a fun day for the rest of us to watch idiots crash and burn on old equipment dressed in an assortment of "athletic-wear".
Do you remember when it was free? Talk about a shit-show, but very entertaining.
That said, they certainly brought in an enormous amount of food for the food pantry in Virgil. I said free, but all you had to do was bring in any canned good in return for a lift ticket.
Too many people with bindings and skis that haven't been checked for 20 years, skiing like mad crazy people who can't remember how to stop!
This is so true! I have seen some really funky skis out there on this day. They are usually attached to someone with no helmet and an intention to ski everything all day long. The key is to get there early, get your runs in and then leave before it gets to crazy.

I thought about going tomorrow, but given the lack of trails open, I will probably stay home and just send a donation to the food pantry instead.
Greek uses Snowmax, and has done so since the 80's when I used to make snow there. It's a natural bacteria that actually raises the freezing point therefore producing snow at marginal temps.

I'm told Gore is using Snowmax now too. Among OPs it is credited for a big improvement.
I'm told Gore is using Snowmax now too.
Practically every major ski operation does now. The key to snowmaking at near freezing temps is low humidity. You can still pump base snow at temps just above freezing as long as the humidity is low. Where we used to ski in Virginia, Snowmax and low humidity made skiing possible. I can't imagine how Wintergreen, Massanutten and Bryce survived without both. Yesterday was such a day at Greek.

I saw eerie similarities between Greek Peak yesterday and skiing in Virginia 15 years ago. Not a lick of snow to be seen anywhere but the trails. Dry, bare parking lots that haven't needed a plow since February. ATVs carrying staff around. Trails of snirt. Permanently mounted tall pole snow-makers, 20 yards apart, running continuously. Water dripping from lifts and equipment, a sun deck with non-skiers drinking the afternoon away in a warm sun. Some skiers wearing sweatshirts. Sweating when walking around outside. It was weird.