Greek Peak Conditions

Not sure I should admit to being the author of said linked thread....

Either fortunately or unfortunately I can also point you to such exciting finds as tons of rental equip that Big Al never took to the dump, but dumped on GP land instead :)

And infinitely many, many other stories buried in history. Not many recent ski days at GP, but a lot of time spent the last two summers dealing with aged parents while there.
Welcome. Always nice to meet a former local. From your ski pic it looks like you were around in the glory days. I've been around here for a long time, skiing GP for damn near 50 years now.? myself. I enjoyed reading your post and reading your comments on our beloved GP. A few comments.
The auto grave is awesome and comes in handy. John (our owner) is big into fire departments (I believe one of his biz has to do with fire apparatus) so GP hosts training in extraction for fire departments.
The My neighbor owns that property and that spot is where he has his annual 4th of July party. Good times!! Telescope is broken but a great conversation piece. We always wonder if people stop and look thru it. These 3 patrol those

The race shack in Apollo's Hollow was moved there from Snow Crest. Snow Crest was on Page Green Rd and the first skiing here. That building was the base lodge.
The newly finished maintenance building is there because GP rented the old one from the town of Virgil.
The house the lawyers built is a true mystery. Buddy of mine was doing some work for them. When they weren't paying him he went over and ripped his work apart. We then took the materials and built an outhouse for the same neighbor that holds the 4th of July party. My wife and I put a bid in on the log cabin that was for sale just up the road from that one but we got out bid.
Finally, I wish you the best in taking care of your parents.
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I really hope GP will be ready for this event. There will be thousands of people/families camping for the weekend.
Our crew has been helping Potter with the building of this track, and it's wicked! We'll also be on the tow out crew as we know the hill better than most. Braaaaap
Really cool scene going on at GP this weekend. Trucks, trailers, RV's, UTV's, quads, and dirt bikes as far as you can see.
Couple more pix --- it started raining at about 2PM, just before the pro quad race was to start. It got a bit muddy.

By far the highlight of our day was helping the on the mini track (young kids). Their race starts at 8AM sharp. We were stationed along their track (4 miles) at various mud holes. The younger kids on the 50cc bikes have a real hard time in mud as they don't have enough motor to get through the mud. This one lil fella would biff every time around, we'd help him up, pat him on the helmet and tell him to get going!!! On his 3rd lap, he biffed again. No surprise. We get him up and he looks at me and my buddy and says, I've had to pee the whole time and now I have to poop REAL bad. We could not stop laughing. We told him to go off in the weeds to do his business and we'd hold his bike up for him. The lil dude runs off, drops his britches and proceeds to let ma-natch take it's course. He comes running back saying, thanks guys!!! I'm ready!!!! With the same pat on the helmet he took of........BRAAAAAP!
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it.” as a wise man once said.

Looks like they might have some new glade runs.
Did they make course maps?