Greek Peak Conditions

My bad only only $150 to participate. Great job for those getting paid and getting compensated to work.
Weird random question. Did you actually hit GP today, and if so, how did you find the conditions?

I would love to hear how the top of Trojan was after the warm.
Nope $120 is disrespectful for vigil ny.
$150 divided by 24hrs = $6.25 per hour of skiing if folks didn’t have a season pass. Pretty cheap if ya got the legs and gumption.
Ya might even win a dang prize.
Guessing 30 to 40 still sliding at quarter to 2. Some folks may be napping.
It’s nippy so the slopes should be firm. Groomers are spinning.
With 5 hrs to go OutlawAngler has 113 runs.
He's an animal 💪🏼
The winning team of 4 had enough vertical to equal the height of Mt. Everest 4.5 times.

There were about 100 participants who raised well above the goal. I overheard one teenager say that towards the end, he couldn't feel his legs anymore.

Somehow, GP also managed to groom with all of this chaos. It was a lovely morning.