Greek Peak Conditions

I dropped off some of the kids and my old equipment yesterday. Came home with a piece of chair 3!
Looks like the wood is in! (y)
About 80% ash thanks to a little green bug.
Can't get tree work here. We've got some widowmakers in the back yard, the last guy I called actually had a message that recommended I call back in 2 1/2 years.

I dropped off some of the kids and my old equipment yesterday. Came home with a piece of chair 3!

They will let you trade your kids for a piece of Chair 3? That's pretty cool!
Can't get tree work here. We've got some widowmakers in the back yard, the last guy I called actually had a message that recommended I call back in 2 1/2 years.

They will let you trade your kids for a piece of Chair 3? That's pretty cool!
I guess depending on how you read that it’s pretty funny. Good thing my wife isn’t in the forum.
Well that was.... kind of fun.... and exhausting.

Spent this morning on the glade clearing crew, along with the ski patrol and 30 or so other volunteers. We spent several hours clearing brush, debris, trees, pricker bushes and trash out of Atlas, Labyrinth, Medusa (the new trail) and Alsop's. The hill crew had already done a lot of work with a remote controlled mower and chain saws. There was more chain sawing today too. Several widow maker limbs and trees were cleared. The owner and his sons were working alongside the rest of us. We got a free lunch and T-shirts.

The glades will be nicer than they have been in several years.