Gore Mountain, NY: 11/26/11


Jul 15, 2020
I posted my TR on the blog, but here are all my pics from the day.

Ski day 2: I woke up without an alarm on maybe 6 hours of sleep.


Nice morning. "Corduroy" wasn't really frozen, but it had "set-up"...


There was a way AROUND the Foxlair "headwall"...


But the direct approach was actually more fun. After it softened a bit:


The last 200 feet of vert on Foxlair is often some of the iciest at all of Gore mountain. It was odd to be relishing the soft snow in that spot...


The dedicated and hardcore were there...


While there was a bunch of mud around, oddly I found today much easier skiing than my first day at Plattekill. Didn't do any base damage. Most of the mud was actually a mud/ice mixture that you could ski without damaging your boards.


Probably the most amazing thing to me was the fact that Neve skied for 4 hours without stopping today. It was the first time she's skied more than an hour and a half in one day...


OK BOB is my new MAIN MAN. He's the guy with the big smile at the Sunway Chair. While lapping Jamboree as our lesson was ending, I dropped my tip for Erin, somewhere in the loading area. I actually was on a chair with Erin and when I reached for it, it was gone. Bum-mer.

So the lesson ends, and I'm quietly cursing as I go BACK to my wallet for more cash. We say goodbye, Erin takes off and I start to load the Sunway chair again. On a whim I said to Bob ... "this is probably a ridiculous question but did you find $40 bucks on the ground?"

Bob said: "What denomination?"

Me: "Two twenties."


Bob The Sunway Guy

And he hands me the money, This is all happening in the time it took to load the chair. (It moves slow but still, I'm transacting here!) As we are pulling away I say to him: "You take half!" I reached back and he took it. That was so much fun. I looked at the guy who shared the chair with me and we both said ... "Did that just happen?"


View from Foxlair, late day.

This bad boy sits sadly poised to blast his fan gun goodness right on the part of Sunway that needs it the most...


There was a whole stretch of Sunway, right above Quicksilver that was covered with nice surfaces...



End of the day.