Going Under the Knife

I hate that stuff
Hallucinogenic nausea and constipation.
But it does control the pain. I didn't like the way I felt either. My buddy told me I just didn't recognize the buzz.. he took them off my hands.
Now morphine that's a different story.
IDK.... they gave me an opiod when I had hernia surgery and it didn't do squat. Discarded the pills ?.
I hate that stuff
Hallucinogenic nausea and constipation.
same, after my hip replacement I was looking forward to lying around wasted for a few days but the stuff made me very anxious so I dc'd it after the first dose and went with some mellower stuff just at night to get some sleep... the running joke was I could give them to my kids to sell at school, not funny at all now since losing a nephew to opioid OD
same, after my hip replacement I was looking forward to lying around wasted for a few days but the stuff made me very anxious so I dc'd it after the first dose and went with some mellower stuff just at night to get some sleep... the running joke was I could give them to my kids to sell at school, not funny at all now since losing a nephew to opioid OD
I’m sorry to hear that. Such a horrible reality.
same, after my hip replacement I was looking forward to lying around wasted for a few days but the stuff made me very anxious so I dc'd it after the first dose and went with some mellower stuff just at night to get some sleep... the running joke was I could give them to my kids to sell at school, not funny at all now since losing a nephew to opioid OD

Sorry to hear about your nephew Gorg.