Global Weirding

This is another post of mine from the same thread. These are my thoughts regarding where I think skiing is headed with the changing weather.

Another thing worth noting is that even though say, The Arizona Snowbowl will likely continue to be successful in a drying and warming planet that doesn't mean it will be a place you or I care to ski or can afford. I often hear people say that they'll go ski wherever they can during these conversations but I secretly think to myself that this person doesn't quite understand the actual implications at play here. As more ski areas close skiing will become more excluded and crowded. You'll have to pay top dollar for a diminished "guest experience" to the point that someone like myself won't find it attractive any longer. It's already becoming like that. I'm not a huge fan of hyped up powder days anymore, it's just too much. Weekends? They're generally a nope for me, a pow day on a Saturday? Oh fuck no!

During the Christmas holiday period Snowbowl had several days where day tickets were 250 bucks, at Snowbowl! People on Social medias were outraged demanding them to drop their prices because Snowbowl isn't worth those prices but I imagine these people don't exactly get capitalism very well because guess what? The parking lots were full. As the options become limited the demand will go up and so will the prices pushing a lot of us away from the sport.
A new article about Arizona's Snow Bowl
It’s cleaner water than what’s flowing thru Louisiana so ya don’t want to screw with that.
The Big Easy aqua quality has been beat on for a couple thousand miles.
They’d most likely let ya take it off their hands during a flood if ya paid off the right folks.
Mississippi River is low now and the barges could use some more water for floating.
The northern lights are amazing to see in person. Mind blowing when they really get going. I recommend it strongly if you can manage it. Worth going out of your way for
Apparently could see northern lights in the NC and VA recently. A few pics in a SkiSoutheast blog entry.

March 25, 2023

I've seen northern lights on the North Country School campus (across from Mt. Van Ho). Once in August. The other time was in 8th grade when they woke up the kids in the hill houses to check them out. Very cool!
A friend of mine got married in the fall when the leaves were at peak at the top of McCauley.
We golfed & stayed in inlet & the reception was at the Big Moose Inn.
The northern lights went off that night big time too.