
😂😂 I wake up this morning and learn the Bills lost. They stink! Almost as if they're cursed. Maybe it was bad karma to extort $800M in taxpayer money to build a billionaire a new stadium!

I'm done with the NFL.
Almost as if they're cursed.
The curse will continue until they revert back permanently to the classic original logo.

I'm done with football. OTOH, I waited on Eli Manning at the wine store in Summit last spring. Really nice, a down to earth, regular guy.
I'm done with the NFL.
Been done with it for awhile. Reminds me of studio wrestling.
College football is getting almost as bad.
Jimbo just got canned by A&M and is gonna get over a $75million buyout for doing nothing.
Maybe Bjork will bring in his buddy Freeze. Perfect fit.
The NFL is great, you guys are nuts.

It’s the most popular sport in the country for a reason.

(Personally, I prefer baseball & I like waking up and watching the English Premier league on Saturday mornings)
The NFL is great, you guys are nuts.

It’s the most popular sport in the country for a reason.

(Personally, I prefer baseball & I like waking up and watching the English Premier league on Saturday mornings)
People have an obsessive psychosis with the NFL. I'm glad I don't have that affliction.

Just because something is popular doesn't mean we all have to love it. But it draws my ire when taxpayers foot the bill for something that will disproportionately help billionaires at taxpayer expense.
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