Fall Weather 2022

Gotta love the 1-in-10 chance map.

Here's that other map, updated.

View attachment 16788

Looks like Hunter in the bullseye.
And if I read this right, the little nubbin that sticks up out of the 18-24 in Northern Ulsters is pointing right onto Belleayre. (Just south and west of where three counties come together, with a slight bump pointing North).
This is quite a storm.





That's a lot of sleet. Anyone in PA?

This storm track isn't perfect but pretty close.

low track
It looks huge, doesn't it? I'm off to get my new boots tweaked so my feet won't hurt....
It looks huge, doesn't it?
Yup and dense.
Driving init will be a shitshow as usually folks get some early practice during the few little snowstorms before a big one comes in.
There’s Christmas parties also scheduled Friday to add to the mix...
Stay safe out there folks.
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i'm on board for 10 +" in the cats...
NGM cuts the qpf for BTV..so i don't think adk will see monster amts... How much warm air ? this might be the fly in the ointment