Dutchess and Mt. Beacon trails 2/22/21

Doing Breakneck to Beacon is a great hike if you can leave a car on either end.
That’s a good one. Another favorite of mine is a big traverse. I gain the Ridge behind the Fishkill Home Depot and run it, passing the tower, all the way to Breakneck. I just did it with my nephew. I think it was 9 miles. He was trashed afterwards. Lots of rattlesnakes and hunters near the bushwhack start so I usually go for it in the Winter.
I was wondering if you skinned up the old trails or if you started at the lot and used the usual hiking trail.
I hardly ever use that lot. The stairs are dumb and there’s almost always a crowd. Pocket Road is the traditional start.
Ever since Scarface built that dumb house half way up the gate has been open.
Curious as to which house (is it the one about a half mile up Monument Rd?)....and why to you refer to the builder as Scarface?
It’s the one you can see from all around. They call it Scarface because it put a scar on the face of the mountain.
It’s the one you can see from all around. The owner is a local land whore. They call her Scarface because of her dumb house that put a scar on the face of the mountain.
Not many of those houses, I suppose. Big house, pool, stables? She’s the owner of Lamb’s Hill Bridal Boutique?
Yep. You can spend your wedding night overlooking the donkey stalls. At first it was a private home. Then it was Airbnb. Now it’s a wedding venue. Last battle was the giant parking lot they had to build. Good for them, they’ve got great views. It also ruined the view of the mountain for the rest of us.
Yep. You can spend your wedding night overlooking the donkey stalls. At first it was a private home. Then it was Airbnb. Now it’s a wedding venue. Last battle was the giant parking lot they had to build. Good for them, they’ve got great views. It also ruined the view of the mountain for the rest of us.
Unless we are talking about two different properties your info might be a little off? It’s not a wedding venue, nor an Airbnb. Definitely a private residence. She owns Lambs Hill Bridal Boutique. They do a lot of photo shoots there, hence the many photos of happy looking brides. Husband is a local family law/divorce attorney. They definitely live in the house. They own and ride horses. What you are thinking of as a big parking lot isn’t a parking lot, rather a paddock for the horses. Again, if we are talking about the same property at 51 Monument Rd.

The husband is a good buddy of mine, we play soccer together. He’s a stand up guy, nothwistanding his frequently posting pics of his stable of expensive BMWs and beer drinking shots from the pool overlooking all of Beacon and the river, and the fact he’s never invited me to the pool!

I wasn’t aware of the animosity toward the property in the local community. Makes sense, probably deserved. I guess she, Scarface, is considered the owner/breadwinner of the property. Interesting.
It’s not a wedding venue,

nor an Airbnb
What you are thinking of as a big parking lot isn’t a parking lot, rather a paddock for the horses.
Which is used to park cars. Horses should live on pasture not the side of a mountain. I’m glad he enjoys the view drinking at his pool looking down on the rest of us. Classy. I’m not sure if I’ve met him but I know her and she’s very nice. I just don’t agree with their build. Many of my clients have what I call hang glider houses. I work at a lot of them in Garrison and Cold Spring. The best ones are tucked away. Some of them hidden yet still have great views.
Looks like we are both right! Multiple buildings on the property. I know the main structure is their residence. Didn’t realize the barn doubled as wedding venue/airbnb.

Learn something new everyday. Not just their commercial venture up there. Like I said, I had no idea such animosity regarding the property existed in the community! Interesting to me because I know the guy, but I get it.
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