Dog Thread

One of our local dog park gang is a pro photographer who is very generous about taking pics of the dogs and sharing them. He took these of Moira back in July but lost them somewhere in his archive, just unearthed today. Photo credit to Zac Mac on Instagram:

Squirrel watching face:


I'm watching you:


Wolfy trot:


Enough posing, it is hot out here:

How is she doing of leash? I don't see one in the pictures... That's a good sign.

These pics were taken at fenced-in dog park, so no issues there. Recall is getting much better and we have had a few successful but carefully supervised off-leash sessions around the house. Good thing she was on-leash this this morning, there were seven deer standing in the middle of our road when we went for a walk. She lost her mind!
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These pics were taken at fenced-in dog park, so no issues there. Recall is getting much better and we have had a few successful but carefully supervised off-leash sessions around the house. Good thing she was on-leash this this morning, there were seven deer standing in the middle of our road when we went for a walk. She lost her mind!
That's tricky. My dog chases the deer but always comes back after a few minutes. I don't think he has thought it threw.
When we were on the trail up in Maine there was something in the brush breathing very loud. I didn't know if it was a moose or a bear. My dog didn't stick around to find out. He was 100 yards up the trail in a shot. I was nervous it was going to come barreling out at me. I just kept walking making noise. Gibby turned around after a while and was like hey I think I left you behind but no way we he coming back.
These pics were taken at fenced-in dog park, so no issues there. Recall is getting much better and we have had a few successful but carefully supervised off-leash sessions around the house. Good thing she was on-leash this this morning, there were seven deer standing in the middle of our road when we went for a walk. She lost her mind!
My sister who had Brittanys gave me advice after the hound houdinied last week that "ya can train em to come by turning yer back to them when calling for them to come."
The polite reply was, "That ain’t ever gonna work with a beagle."
Big day at the dog park today, Moira got to meet her daughter Daisy for the first time since they were all adopted.

Mandatory family portrait.

Moira nd Daisy family portrait.jpg

Do I know you from somewhere?

Do I know you.jpg

Momma plays her favourite game, "catch me if you can." Daisy is a bit porky and could not keep up to her speedy mom.

Catch me girl.jpg

OK, let's go girl.

Lets go.jpg