Dog Thread

Shop dawg problems. Sleeping coyote?

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The snow banks have created a natural fence, so we have been doing some off-leash training with Moira. So far so good,
except for this morning when the deer scent was strong. She came back eventually.

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There was a couple inches of new snow so we decided to take Grandma, Mom and the new pup out for a hike in the woods today.
Things went smooth for awhile with 2 folks walking 3 dogs, all on 3 dang leashes.
(We put the pup on a leash eventually as he was just biting his Mom’s for the first mile or so. He just likes to play as of now.)
The adults sniffed some new tracks on the way home near the house and then Grandma pulled a Houdini from her harness.
About 3 hours later with several up and down the drumlins and a grid search we got her back about an hour after dark.
We have 2 Garmin radio collar thingys