Crazy News

"RIP To The Stanley Cup. Brutally Murdered By The Tampa Bay Lightning Partying Too Hard"
I wish I could party with them not alcohol will due that not mj

Beastly best:

Youtube "Man Shot To Death Because of Swatting Prank Over Call Of Duty WTF"​

Apparently this is a thing and has happened more than once . Being an old guy I'm out of touch with this new form of evil. .......Sorry for no link since for some reason I'm being blocked from posting videos ?
No , search YouTube for “Swatting “ People have prank called police about shooting relatives and the cops show up with guns drawn and unsuspecting residents end up shot dead . Because of a diss agreement or extortion attempt by the prankster.
Apparently all the other videos I posted in the past are “No longer available “
WTF. So much for free speech