Considering Alternatives for a New House

+1 for passive solar, was this part of the discussions with the designer?
+1 for passive solar, was this part of the discussions with the designer?
No. But that could change. Not building until 2024.

Not really sure how to proceed. Would like someone who isn't selling something specific to help me think it through.

Also want the house to face SW not S. Not sure about how much impact.
If you're not concerned with opening up some space you could build the solar array as a stand alone. Build it up enough so you can store things underneath it.... And keep the deep snow pack from overtaking it
My sister is currently building a off the grid spot up in Maine. That's what they are doing. Planning on keeping the tractor attachments under it.
It's odd because someone I really respect told me that Geo-thermal wasn't practical in the Adks but these guys seem to be doing it:

Also want the house to face SW not S. Not sure about how much impact.
SW might soon be better than south for solar.
NY is going to a "value stack tariff" as an alternative to net metering solar. They have added new fees to net meters, and at some point net metering may not be available at all.
Value stack tariff prices credits at the hourly energy price, and provides credits for other factors as well. A SW facing array generates more energy in the afternoon which aligns better with the highest hourly prices, so it is better for the value stack tariff. WSW or W might be even better. South provides more total energy so it's better for net metering. Most industry experts believe that net metering way overpays for solar, so the trend is to move to the value stack idea. It's unclear to me what will be available for new customers in 2 years, but figure it won't as good as it was a few years ago.

It's odd because someone I really respect told me that Geo-thermal wasn't practical in the Adks but these guys seem to be doing it:
Geothermal usually means underground hot water or steam sources. AFAIK that only works in Iceland. Those guys are doing ground source heat pumps, which should work anywhere you can drill a deep enough well. That might be the greenest way to heat your house, but the installation cost is too much for most people.
