Bristol Conditions

Comet chair seemed to be glitch free today. Low crowds for a holiday morning-could be due to the cold and poor roads in Rochester. A couple of inches of new snow helped the surface and it kept snowing for much of the time we were there. Sun peeked out for a couple of runs including one down through the old people moguls to skier's right on Galaxy. Polaris was closed for a cross country race in the AM, but opened up in the early afternoon. The run from the Galaxy chair-Polaris-Upper Northstar-Lower Northstar is spectacular for Bristol-by far the longest pitched run there. Rumors are it may be used for a race trail-it's got the pitch, width and length. Hope I get a chance to run on it before I age out of racing!
Comet chair seemed to be glitch free today. Low crowds for a holiday morning-could be due to the cold and poor roads in Rochester. A couple of inches of new snow helped the surface and it kept snowing for much of the time we were there. Sun peeked out for a couple of runs including one down through the old people moguls to skier's right on Galaxy. Polaris was closed for a cross country race in the AM, but opened up in the early afternoon. The run from the Galaxy chair-Polaris-Upper Northstar-Lower Northstar is spectacular for Bristol-by far the longest pitched run there. Rumors are it may be used for a race trail-it's got the pitch, width and length. Hope I get a chance to run on it before I age out of racing!
Thank you for ongoing updates. Sounds like things are in great shape. I might have to go in a couple weeks once I get back from Taos. Hopefully we don't get a thaw and rain anytime soon.

I sure hope the rumor of making Polaris & Northstar the race trail. But it would be just like Bristol mgt to impair their best run from the general public and make it a race trail for the small minority🤣
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