Bring the Stoke

Purchased my pass tonight just in time for the deadline, upgraded to SKI3 for this year and am looking forward to a few weekends and Gore and a longer trip up to Whiteface!
Very glad you posted this because I would have missed it, was totally snoozing. Went for the Belle Limited. I’ll fill in with day tickets, uphill and backcountry. Used to have SKI3 but wasn’t using it enough to justify it. Hope it works for you. Can get free tickets at Whiteface if necessary but most times I’ve been up there recently we dawn patrol or end up on the JackRabbit and shwack it somewhere. Gore… meh, I like Garnet Hill and in between.
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How much does the full Belle pass cost? Ski3 is a no Brainerd for me, in combo with Plattekill of course.

I bought ski3 last weekend but I don't recall getting a receipt. Probably should have figured that out today.

Rip I can't believe you are meh on gore. Gore is awesome. IMO.
Rip I can't believe you are meh on gore. Gore is awesome. IMO.
Too much commuting, getting there and also once I’m there. What a hassle, I’d rather thrash around in the bush. What’s so good about it?
You don't like traversing between mountains? That surprises me from a freeheeler who takes one lap and then rides his bike to another mountain. You've done so much to earn it. I guess it's all about how you look at it.

There is a lot good about Gore, including the best/most trees in NY.
You don't like traversing between mountains? That surprises me from a freeheeler who takes one lap and then rides his bike to another mountain. You've done so much to earn it. I guess it's all about how you look at it.

Was thinking about this Rip. It's not really fair. From what I see, you're super hero several times a year. If you want to do normal human things like complain about traversing at Gore, in your down time, who am i to judge?

:) ;)

(Note to self: Don't write deep crazy shit when you don't have a full arsenal of emojis)