Bring the Stoke

Are they planning on opening more trails soon?
That's the program. I bet Hart Prairie is this weekend. That's necessary after seeing all of the beginners up on the Agassiz chondola this week. Then they'll push snow down to the Grand Canyon Express so most of their lifts can be open. That's usually their move. After that is usually the Lower Ridge run down to Agassiz trail and Northstar.

Are you coming skiing on Monday? The forecast is calling for up to 14 inches on Tuesday. Tuesday afternoon might be fun. I have to go back to Kingman on Tuesday. I might be able to push it off until Wednesday though.

I ain’t hatin. We’ve all been there. Jus sayin, if there’s a whole grip of young men skiing beyond their limits or what I deem as insensible I’m happy to let ‘em on by or if it’s real bad I’ll call it a day.
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I ain’t hatin. We’ve all been there. Jus sayin, if there’s a whole grip of young men skiing beyond their limits or what I deem as insensible I’m happy to let ‘em on by or if it’s real bad I’ll call it a day.

@tirolski, To be clear my term Mountain Vermin is reserved for a type of adolescents and preadolescents that have no awareness of others and behave recklessly and dangerously, thus creating a hazard to others at the mountain. Also they typically travel in packs without adult supervision and is when they become particularly dangerous Mountain Vermin.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
I ain’t hatin. We’ve all been there. Jus sayin, if there’s a whole grip of young men skiing beyond their limits or what I deem as insensible I’m happy to let ‘em on by or if it’s real bad I’ll call it a day.
What I've noticed in recent years is that it's not that uncommon in the east for such a group to include a young woman or two. Not girl friends just trying to keep up either. ;)
View attachment 16403
I ain’t hatin. We’ve all been there. Jus sayin, if there’s a whole grip of young men skiing beyond their limits or what I deem as insensible I’m happy to let ‘em on by or if it’s real bad I’ll call it a day.
The nordic equivalent is a group of middle / high school kids bunched at an intersection at the bottom of a downhill. Ugh. Or, the time 20-odd years ago Mt van Ho hosted the Junior National Championships and a former Olympian was leading a group of California kids the wrong way on a one-way loop.