Belleayre Draft 2022 Unit Management Plan

If anyone wants to file that as comments on the UMP, feel free to take them. I'm not motivated enough to file myself, mostly because I believe ORDA is already too committed to the plan to consider alternatives.

“Official” public comments are part of the record and are supposed to be addressed.
“Official” public comments are part of the record and are supposed to be addressed.
IME public comments are ignored. That's particularly true after the draft UMP is issued, which makes it a done deal before the comment period is even open. You need to be there as it is drafted to have real influence.
Your best bet is bring it to groups that have a particular interest and expertise, and get them to support what you want. Even write draft comments for them. IF NSP, PSIA, NYSEF and NYSEF parents all files similar comments, and all proposed similar alternative, maybe they would revise the UMP, but even that is a long shot.

FWIW I dropped a comment asking to not destroy Goat Path. Personally the biggest improvement they could make to the mountain would be to replace lift 8 with a High Speed, not Lift 7. It takes too long to lap Seneca and Dot, the only steepish trails they have.
That thing must have windows?

Back on topic, do they fart at Belleayre?