Belleayre Draft 2022 Unit Management Plan

Making Lift 7 longer makes sense to me (with tears). A fixed grip seems like the way to go since they are generally more reliable and less wind effected. Definitely keep the midstation and leave Utsay the way it is. Cutting an intermediate trail in the middle of the ridge from the top sounds reasonable but sending a bulldozer down Goat Path will create an icy luge overrun traffic. Intermediates should be encouraged to use the lower slopes from the mid where they can spread out. If they insist on a new trail from the top and no midstation then the new lift should be detachable. Moving the infirmary to the bottom of the headwall would be a good idea too if this happens. The 40ft wide skier bridge should be more like 100ft. I hope they do a better job than the Deer Run bridge which is a total disaster. They should be making trails safer not the other way around. Another bridge should be installed somewhere between the Overlook and Tomahawk parking areas to better connect the top and bottom and to keep people away from the choke points.
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I keep checking in here to get @snolocos take on this.

I’m not convinced that a mountain top learning center is a terrible idea honestly. I think beginners would really enjoy that experience and downloading on the gondola. Well, if the weather is decent at least.
I keep checking in here to get @snolocos take on this.

I’m not convinced that a mountain top learning center is a terrible idea honestly. I think beginners would really enjoy that experience and downloading on the gondola. Well, if the weather is decent at least.
Isn't squaws learning center up high?
A beginner area at the top is an interesting idea - but -
Is there going to be a warming hut?
There is no mention in the UMP of any building near the proposed beginner area. The Sunset Lodge at the top of Belleayre is about 1/2 mile away. Never-evers/beginners/little kids will not understand how isolated this proposed spot is on the mountain.
I’m not convinced that a mountain top learning center is a terrible idea honestly. I think beginners would really enjoy that experience and downloading on the gondola. Well, if the weather is decent at least.
I've given hundreds of beginner lessons, and I'm sure putting the beginner area up the hill os a bad idea.
First, some beginners will be anxious from the ride up the gondola, and some will actually be terrified just by the view from the top. Then there's the whole bathroom/warming hut problem, which will be worse because up the hill can be much colder than the base. Probably less than half of them will download instead of skiing away at the end the lesson, regardless of their skill or how steep the route is. Finally, most beginners are children, so custody is the the most important issue. Some of those children will get lost, and some will deliberate escape. You need some controol of where they can go when that happens.
If anyone wants to file that as comments on the UMP, feel free to take them. I'm not motivated enough to file myself, mostly because I believe ORDA is already too committed to the plan to consider alternatives.

I've given hundreds of beginner lessons, and I'm sure putting the beginner area up the hill os a bad idea.
First, some beginners will be anxious from the ride up the gondola, and some will actually be terrified just by the view from the top. Then there's the whole bathroom/warming hut problem, which will be worse because up the hill can be much colder than the base. Probably less than half of them will download instead of skiing away at the end the lesson, regardless of their skill or how steep the route is. Finally, most beginners are children, so custody is the the most important issue. Some of those children will get lost, and some will deliberate escape. You need some controol of where they can go when that happens.
If anyone wants to file that as comments on the UMP, feel free to take them. I'm not motivated enough to file myself, mostly because I believe ORDA is already too committed to the plan to consider alternatives.

Here's how it works: the same people who proposed and designed the dangerous, destructive and instructor hated beginner-learning area that scares and intimidates beginner skiers are the same people who are proposing a new beginner- learner ski area at the summit of Belleayre, probably the least hospitable (and most environmentally sensitive) location on the mountain. There are plenty of low cost, effective ways of using existing terrain at the lower mountain to provide a superior, meaningful and SAFE experience for beginner skiers i.e. reactivate - with some updates -the old beginner areas. ORDA has done some really good things for Belleayre. The new world class snowmaking system for example. But some of the proposals in the current UMP represent a huge waste of taxpayer money and must be challenged.