Belleayre Conditions

Previous years they would let them entire skiers left of Belle run bump up, sadly they haven't been doing it this year. They need a deducted bump run
Considering the base they are laying down skiers left on Belleayre Run I would imagine that they will let the bumps form all the way to Overlook once it starts warming up a bit more. That section of trail was a PARTY at the end of last season.
Anybody know.... are there bumps at Belle right now?
Here today, bumps on Belleayre run top only, upper Yahoo and Upper winnisook.
Lots of snowmaking on upper and lower yahoo.
Best run so far , Seneca under the guns!
Here is a pic of Yahoo


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There haven’t been bumps on any of the lower sections all year long, just the tops.

Plenty of bumps at Mary Jane