Bearpen is in play, my rule of thumb for Catskill backcountry is about 20" of snow pack to keep it from getting sketchy, less and downed trees and rocks become a problem. The road beyond the trail head at the end of Heisinger is good to go for skinning to the top, Ski Run Road is also a ROW. The issue you run into a Bear Pen is private land, you will likely end up on someones land. You may want to check in with the folks at Bearpen Mountain Sports, their property is likely what you'll end up in if you come down via the terrain off Heisinger Rd. As with most Catskill backcountry, it gets shwacky up there, old ski hills grow in quick and thick. Bearpen can be thicker underbrush than other areas in the Cats that I prefer for touring. If going down is less of a priority than a fun day out in nature you should enjoy yourself plenty.