
Is this a new feeling tonight, or were you just reminded of an old feeling?

Not a fan of his Olympics work.
Costas won’t shut up
Totally agree. Too much Olympics. STFU.

A rare few know, that in a classic walkoff moment, you get one call, and then you turn up sound of the fans.
Are you drunk? John Sterling is a clown and Suzyn is awful.
Nope. Doesn’t take much to be a much better announcer than Bobby.
Silence is much better than listening to him ramble.
Rainout tonight, play @ 1 O’clock tomorrow.
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Nope. Doesn’t take much to be a much better announcer than Bobby.
Silence is much better than listening to him ramble.
Rainout tonight, play @ 1 O’clock tomorrow.
Love the day game. Can actually watch the entire game. Go yanks
Love the day game. Can actually watch the entire game. Go yanks
Me too. Golf course has a big 2 day fall tournament so it’s closed if yer not playing init.
If Bobby starts rambling too much I’l just turn the sound off.
Love the day game. Can actually watch the entire game. Go yanks
@sig Ya watching the game?
It’s tied 2-2 top of the 6th, good defense for the most part. Yankees went to their pen.
Judge is Oh for 6 with 6 Ks. He’s due.
Nance won’t shut up.
C’mon Yanks.