Automated Speeding Tickets

NYS is installing cameras to catch speeders on the Northway and some roads around the Hudson Valley and LI. For now it's seems to be limited to work zones.

One of them will be on the Northway at the bridge construction between Exit 22 and 23.

They have been there all summer. They are on the north bound lane. It's about 2 miles before you get off 87.
55. 65 will get you a ticket o in the mail Harv
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That’s way too slow. I set the cruise at 78 for trips to Gore from exit 8 to exit 23. Sometimes faster if I need to pass someone. I pass cops almost every trip and I’ve never gotten a ticket.

My ski buddy who went from NYC to Albuquerque decades ago decided quite a while ago that cruising at 8 mph over a speed limit on a highway was very unlikely to cause a second glance by highway patrol.

I'll set the cruise at 10 mph over the speed limit if that means there are still cars passing me on a reasonably regular basis. Makes a difference when driving over 600 miles a day.
That’s way too slow.
Stay off my lawn.

They have been there all summer.
Guess I'm good then, been through at least twice.

My ski buddy who went from NYC to Albuquerque decades ago decided quite a while ago that cruising at 8 mph over a speed limit
I like round numbers, I'm comfortable at 72.

I'll set the cruise at 10 mph over the speed limit if that means there are still cars passing me on a reasonably regular basis. Makes a difference when driving over 600 miles a day.
No doubt the farther you go, the faster you drive.
Guess I'm good then, been through at least twice.
It's a white Cherokee with white blinking lights on top. They are all over the highways. They can only be used in construction zones. There was an article explaining why a few months ago but I don't remember why
They can only be used in construction zones. There was an article explaining why a few months ago but I don't remember why
I have no idea what the article said but the reason why is that the state wanted to extract more money from the populace and they needed a pretext. When the city did it, they used school zones as their justification. I guess there aren’t enough schools on the Thruway.
You will enjoy this as a mountain biker... I've spoken with a few folks from Brooklyn that have confirmed people also using hitch mountain bike carriers without a bike on it to do the same. Ironically one of the people who informed me of this practice also confirmed that meter maids in the outer boroughs will ticket parked cars for "license plate obstruction" having the exact same set up, even if for legitimate bike carrying purposes.
dang mountain bikers 🍻