Automated Speeding Tickets

I've sort of fallen into a thing where I don't drive as fast I used to. I guess I'm officially old. It's about the cost of tickets as much as anything. Really not the ticket, but the insurance.

Basically I don't exceed any speed limit at 45 or below. Maybe by 2 or 3 mph if I'm being tailgated.

55 - 65 I exceed by 3 mpg. On the interstate I set the cruise to 68, pass at 72 or up to 78 if I am passing a tractor trailer.

At the speed I am driving, I love me a three land like the northway. Some really slow people in the right, and cruise is useless. The left lanes expect more out of me than I want to deliver.
Big Brother is watching ....this is just the start ...yes ..i am psycho.
When does it end ? Why not just put a monitoring chip in the cars to limit the speed to what the government wants or maybe everyone is required to have an ezpass like device that constantly monitors your speed.

Soon the "Red Barchetta" will be a reality !

damn foil hat just fell off ......
put a monitoring chip in the cars to limit the speed to what the government wants

I humbly submit that this won't work. 🤠
Generally, I don't drive as fast as I used to. Happy to cruise at 70 in the right line in the quest for fuel economy. Will go faster when necessary. E.g. a few years ago, I was leaving Craftsbury VT and the former wife called with a medical emergency. From there, it was Warp Factor 3. Driving 80 or more. If I came up behind someone blocking the fast lane, I literally shouted, get the F outta my way! And magically they did. Fortunately, the former wife came out OK.

Another reason I like cruising at 70 is that it's much less stressful.
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NYS is installing cameras to catch speeders on the Northway and some roads around the Hudson Valley and LI. For now it's seems to be limited to work zones.

One of them will be on the Northway at the bridge construction between Exit 22 and 23.

Since the beginning of summer there has been a camera car enforcing speed limits at the construction site at the bridge construction north of Lake George. Usually 2 warning signs and the cameras on the roof of a white SUV type vehicle just before the work.
55 - 65 I exceed by 3 mpg. On the interstate I set the cruise to 68, pass at 72 or up to 78 if I am passing a tractor trailer.
That’s way too slow. I set the cruise at 78 for trips to Gore from exit 8 to exit 23. Sometimes faster if I need to pass someone. I pass cops almost every trip and I’ve never gotten a ticket.

got one in NYC last month 5mph over..cost 50....
that's why you see a ton of license plate covers that obscure the numbers..
You will enjoy this as a mountain biker... I've spoken with a few folks from Brooklyn that have confirmed people also using hitch mountain bike carriers without a bike on it to do the same. Ironically one of the people who informed me of this practice also confirmed that meter maids in the outer boroughs will ticket parked cars for "license plate obstruction" having the exact same set up, even if for legitimate bike carrying purposes.
Big Brother is watching ....this is just the start ...yes ..i am psycho.
When does it end ? Why not just put a monitoring chip in the cars to limit the speed to what the government wants or maybe everyone is required to have an ezpass like device that constantly monitors your speed.

Soon the "Red Barchetta" will be a reality !

damn foil hat just fell off ......
Citizens are subsidizing the future security and surveillance state Tesla's have 9 cameras on them that are active even when parked. Don't even get me started on Ring doorbells, my FIL claims to be a hardcore libertarian and can't get enough of his Ring...

Literally can't walk down the street in the suburbs without constantly being watched and recorded.
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You will enjoy this as a mountain biker... I've spoken with a few folks from Brooklyn that have confirmed people also using hitch mountain bike carriers without a bike on it to do the same. Ironically one of the people who informed me of this practice also confirmed that meter maids in the outer boroughs will ticket parked cars for "license plate obstruction" having the exact same set up, even if for legitimate bike carrying purposes.
Yes I've been stopped twice for said infraction ,lucky no tickets , an excuse to check me out.