More good news my White blood cell count is up in the normal range .Well known issue thatTreatment affects it .
so after 5 booster shots last week and the coach took me off the bench and put me back in the game yesterday
More good news the most critical benchmark the blood viscosity index or IgM is down 67% from when this was diagnosed in late July and I have 4 more cycles to go till May so we are making good progress according to both local and UVM oncology docs
Praying for remission by June if not more cycles till we get it done
More good news: I've had 2 external ports hanging off my chest since July they are test tube size these were there IF I needed more ;"oil changes "

Well the Igm indicates much less blood density so they can remove those damn test tube's and implant a subcutaneous chemo port . So I can shower like a normal human NOT having a plastic covering on half my chest .
Yo ever try holding a bar of soap in one hand and shower extension in the other and trying not get those damn things wet While lathering it's a shitshow ?
So I'm meeting with a surgeon 2/7 to discuss this outpatient procedure :
bottom line No More "Stink Weasels " on Morris Street

Thanks again guys for pumping up my sneakers