Bristol Conditions

Comet chair seemed to be glitch free today. Low crowds for a holiday morning-could be due to the cold and poor roads in Rochester. A couple of inches of new snow helped the surface and it kept snowing for much of the time we were there. Sun peeked out for a couple of runs including one down through the old people moguls to skier's right on Galaxy. Polaris was closed for a cross country race in the AM, but opened up in the early afternoon. The run from the Galaxy chair-Polaris-Upper Northstar-Lower Northstar is spectacular for Bristol-by far the longest pitched run there. Rumors are it may be used for a race trail-it's got the pitch, width and length. Hope I get a chance to run on it before I age out of racing!
Comet chair seemed to be glitch free today. Low crowds for a holiday morning-could be due to the cold and poor roads in Rochester. A couple of inches of new snow helped the surface and it kept snowing for much of the time we were there. Sun peeked out for a couple of runs including one down through the old people moguls to skier's right on Galaxy. Polaris was closed for a cross country race in the AM, but opened up in the early afternoon. The run from the Galaxy chair-Polaris-Upper Northstar-Lower Northstar is spectacular for Bristol-by far the longest pitched run there. Rumors are it may be used for a race trail-it's got the pitch, width and length. Hope I get a chance to run on it before I age out of racing!
Thank you for ongoing updates. Sounds like things are in great shape. I might have to go in a couple weeks once I get back from Taos. Hopefully we don't get a thaw and rain anytime soon.

I sure hope the rumor of making Polaris & Northstar the race trail. But it would be just like Bristol mgt to impair their best run from the general public and make it a race trail for the small minority🤣
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Cold (5 F) but bluebird day for our Tuesday morning race. So nice to be able to see! Skied for a while after the race with great conditions (for the NE) and perfect visibility. Unfortunately, the area above the Galaxy chair is not really filled in, so the usual tactic of flying down Lower Northstar and Lower Universe then tucking to get back to the base really won't work right now. Race skis were the way to go today!

I sure hope the rumor of making Polaris & Northstar the race trail. But it would be just like Bristol mgt to impair their best run from the general public and make it a race trail for the small minority🤣
Bristol gets really small when event happen on weekends, whether races or freestyle events. In some ways moving the race hill to Upper/Lower Northstar (plus the advantage of a better race hill) would get the race out of the public eye,unlike Comet races which are right under the main chair. It would also help isolate the racers from the GP. When and if it will happen, who knows? The new start house and the timing shack are all on Comet/Outer Orbit and it would be a project to move them. One other thing to consider-these events bring in substantial money and are pretty much held regardless of weather, whereas the the GP may chose not to ski if the conditions/weather are not so good. I sympathize, when I worked full time and could only ski on weekends, I didn't like it also.
With the forecast sunshine, I couldn't stay away even with the cold temps. I was rewarded with a bluebird day with great visibility, good eastern conditions and almost no people. A little chilly but the sunshine helped-at these temperatures with wind and overcast, I would have stayed home. Guns going on Lower Rocket-soft snow and whales. Galaxy chair was running and I did several runs down the full length of Northstar.Comet Schomet-Northstar from the top is the best trail on the hill.