Going Under the Knife

I am already on the PT. I had my first pre-op PT last week, and have another one this Friday. My first post-op PT is scheduled as well. We are also working on dealing with the compensation issues on my left side from walking weirdly for so long. I had no idea that my quads were so weak!
9 years after my THR I still incorporate my PT into my yoga/stretch routine. I've been slacking the last few months and feeling it, started back up and feel that too lol!

Hope all goes well WP
Pony you got this ,wise move to get er done. Heal well
No golf yet dealing with edema 15 lbs worth pretty normal after what I went thru .
My primary doc gave me the " magic pill " ...boom pissing like a race horse NOW lost 4 lbs of that crap so rest will come off but may happen again every month I go for chemo. Chit chit chit
It's crazy, but I don't hurt, yet, other than my throat from the anesthesiaI have not yet taken anything. The lidocaine has probably worn off, according to my surgeon. I only used the crutches in the hospital because the nurse made me use them when I had to go to the bathroom. I am a huge fan of the cold therapy machine. I see us being bffs for a week.
That’s awesome but don’t rush it. You’ll be back at full speed soon enough
Horse people are not very good at doing nothing.

I have been cleared to go for short walks. That will keep me sane. After I had my L1 fused after a fall off a horse, I took short walks and very gradually increased the distance. I plan on doing something similar.